Welcome Business Owners, to the answer of your 21st business dreams!

KDA Virtual Services, LLC is the 21st-century administrative solutions firm, providing simple solutions for complex business problems in a virtual setting. Executive-level knowledge in business operations, training & development, and business counseling, we give you access to customized services, fitting your growth budget and business needs. Small businesses, churches, and non-profits, nationwide, we guide you through Administrative/HR burdens that are blocking your access to your 21st century vision and growth. To see how KDA Virtual Services can help you overcome your obstacles to the next business growth and productivity, click the learn more button below.

What We Do Well

Business Operations

Business Operations

Our team of professionals will take the stress out of daily routines that no longer serve your growth and vision. We specialize in:

* Business Health Check -Up

* Strategic Planning

* Administrative Process Improvement

* Program Development

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Training & Development

Training & Development

Training, culture development, team building, and positive employee engagement are signs of a healthy company. KDA Virtual Services, LLC delivers these services tailored to meet your unique business needs. We are committed to providing high quality services to facilitate the changes you require in your business.

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Business Counseling

Business Counseling

Business strategies, consumer behavior analysis, and professional counseling for leadership and employees, we provide you with big company solutions to guide your company forward and beyond. 

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Let's Work Together!

For your free 15-minute consultation, please fill out the contact form. One of our team members will connect with you soon.

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